Thursday, July 17, 2008

My Summer Reading List

I'm always having people ask what I read so here goes. I must preface this post by saying that during the summer I primarily read for entertainment and primarily read fiction. I usually don't read "churchy" type books. So here's what I've read this summer.

The Poisonwood Bible- Kingsolver (just felt like I needed to read it)
Ethan Fromme- Wharton (character development at its best)
Playing for Pizza- Grisham (I love Italy)
Christ the Lord Out of Egypt- Rice (extremely curious)
Remember Me- Kinsella (I always read some pop culture novel on the NYTimes best seller list)
Keeping Faith- Picoult (recommended by a friend)
Unchristian- Kinniman and Lyons (the only non-fiction)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

On the week of the Fourth of July I went on a mission trip to Staten Island. Our team worked with Crossroads Church Staten Island. For two days we painted public schools. The church paints schools so that the schools may be more open to letting them have Sunday services in their buildings. The team also helped with an outreach event on the boardwalk that they hold every year on the Fourth of July. We handed out flyers for four days to promote the event then helped run the event. A band from our church in Newnan came and played some classic rock music while our team and members of the church in Staten Island told people about the church.