Today was our day to meet the Pope. And we did- with 7,000 others. We were very disappointed that he didn't wear his big hat, but he did bless us (we think) and our family members. Scott was compelled by the homily (see pic).
We also went to the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's today. We are probably in sculpture overload at this point. We are not, however, in gellato overload and had more while sitting on the Spanish Steps.
We plan to go to the University tonight and eat more pizza (yummy).
Yes, Bill, you're correct. I suppose they are just "shoes" and not "Italian shoes." I'm a completely self-absorbed American.
Sorry for the images not being upright. We can't read Italian and don't know how to rotate them.
Also, thanks Bethany. I'll pass the info on to dad. He's just trying to be uber-cool.
so I was talking to Mrs. Tracy Orr tonight and she said that she almost left you guys a comment about what I'm about to tell you, but she wasn't sure if you had heard yet and she thought it would be better if you heard from me. Last week (1-30-08) at Fusion during the ultimate shot, one girl was having some trouble throwing (she was throwing underhand) and Chad thought he would be the "nice guy" and give her a second chance. Chad gave her one major pointer - throw it HARD. She definitely threw it hard.... there's no question about that.... so hard in fact, that it went flying into the crowd, hit me in the face, and made my nose bleed. I started laughing - because I thought the whole situation was hilarious, and then I realized that blood was dripping onto my pants and onto the floor.... so I had to run back to the kitchen and clean myself up (with the help of Mrs. Tracy, Mrs. Sherry, and Maggie). I was still laughing, so hard in fact that I was crying.... don't get me wrong, it hurt really bad, but that wasn't the reason that I was crying....
well to make a long story short, I'm fine and it didn't even leave a bruise (to most everybody's surprise). I just thought I'd tell you that.... I thought you might find it pretty funny
God only nose
... why my word verification is "koygvy"! what is is that? some type of goldfish gravy?
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