Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dan in Real Life, Emotions, and the Resurrection

Scott and I watched "Dan in Real Life" this past Monday (Scott's birthday- funny how birthdays change when you're older- we were lucky to squeeze in a movie in the basement to celebrate). This movie was a great reminder to me of how life takes you by suprise sometimes. Dan had his life planned out and lived it accordingly. Suddenly, he is caught off guard with unexpected emotions which derail his plans (and others). I won't offer a spoiler here, but Dan allows himself to be caught up in his emotions and his life is changed for the better.

Scott and I are planners- facts, figures, numbers, logic, pros and cons- you get the idea. Emotions are difficult to factor into decision making. We have made some wise decisions based on facts- driving used cars, living on a budget and being debt-free, moving into the Northgate school district, etc. We have also made some decisions where emotions were a large factor- Scott and I both working at Crossroads Church, one of my closest friends being an Auburn fan with an engineering degree, going to Italy for vacation, etc.

My thoughts for Easter also fall along these lines. Our faith and beliefs so often fall into the logical catagory because we have lived that way for so long and sometimes fail to be emotional with our faith. So this Easter, let's be caught up in the excitement we have in being in a relationship with a God Who is alive and concerned with our lives. Search your soul to see if you're excited about what God is doing in your life. Have conversations with friends about the implications of a risen Lord. Let your emotions carry your further than only facts can.

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