Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Since we're off for the week, we've resumed watching Heroes. Thanks to the writer's strike last year, we'll be able to watch all of the second season this week. We love this show! The basic theme is some people are given abilities and have to make the choice to use them for good or not so good. It makes me think of friends I know who have chosen to do extraordinary things with their life- like my brother-in-law and sister-in-law and our friends the Haldemans who foster children. Or our friend who left a good paying job in corporate America to go in the ministry (for not so good pay but many other benefits). We're blessed to have many friends doing amazing things. I'm always questioning whether I'm using my not so extraordinary gifts for selfish or selfless reasons. I think I'll always be asking this question in my journey.

Heroes_wallpaper2y_1024 by pigletallen@btinternet.com.

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