Thursday, February 7, 2008

National Signing Day (and last day in Rome)

Pantheon- around 5 A.D. (The original building burned, and this one was rebuilt then)

Part of the Roman forum- around 500 b.c.

2008 A.D.

I know it was yesterday and most of you have no idea what the heck I'm talking about, but Alabama football has finally given me something to celebrate - the number 1 recruiting class in the country. On to Rome...

Today was our last day (sigh) and it was a good one. We got to see some pretty cool Christian sights including the prison that held Peter and Paul (I almost typed Saint there) and the actual chains that bound Peter while he was in prison. We also visited the catacombs where thousands of early Christians were buried. It really makes us appreciate those who went before us to spread the Good News.

We visited the largest Piazza in Rome, the Piazza Novona and had more gellato (it never gets old) on the Spanish Steps.

Rick, thanks for the coffee explantion. Susan will continue to drink capp. whenever she wants. And thanks Tracie Orr for helping Bethany with her nose. Hope she doesn't look like Marcia Brady.

It's been fun staying connected while we traveled. thanks for reading and posting. When you wake up in the morning we will be in the air. See you guys soon.

Scott and Susan


Anna said...

Looks like you had a great time. Can't wait to hear more about it. Love to you all!

What is/are "props"? I've learned more "cool" stuff from you guys since Christmas than in the last 10 years combined. Is cool still a word kids use? The ponchos and crocheted boots and props are all news to me, but so refreshing! Seriously...hugs all around. Super-Cool Aunt Anna

Anna said...

A little signing day trivia for you to gloat over. We went head to head for 15 with the agricultural school and won all 15. 3-5 stars, 19-4 stars. Its getting ugly on talk radio.
Your bro - Pete